1. Dee

    John, It is a French Teazle, they grow wild here in North America. Gold finches love the seeds. Apparently they are grown commercially in Europe, but it is a very expensive seed. Still so beautiful in your pic, I will have to be more observant on my walks and see if I can find any here in the midwest. Enjoying your blog.


  2. Dee

    Well I thought about thistles, but ours here are round, not long and oval. Perhaps I’ll Google it, may not want thistles growing in my garden, but it sure is beautiful in your pic, Thanks


  3. Dee

    I just love the flowers. Do you know what that last one is in the foreground? I don’t think I have ever seen it before, but it is incredibly beautiful. Did you place it there?


    • John

      These are all growing wild in a wet conservation area. I think you are referring to the thistle head. I’m not sure which thistle it is.
