Soft, Quiet Look

The above images are straight out of the camera raw files as captured and then converted according to in-camera settings using LR.

I tried to capture the kinds of images that I remember from the older film images that were prevalent in the past.  The only difference is that I used a micro 4/3 camera with the kit 14-150mm lens to take these pictures.  To the best of my ability, I hope to minimize the need to process these kinds of images on my computer other than for cropping and resizing or making minor tweaks.

As I walkabout I will be looking for scenes to utilize this approach for some of my images published on my blog.  As I get more experienced finding such things to photograph, I hope to utilize other micro 4/3 lenses as well as my Pentax camera to make similar images.

I confess that I have been thinking about getting a full frame camera due to some occasional uncomfortable image quality issues with my micro 4/3 system.  While trying to pin down what it was that I was a little uncomfortable about, I started thinking that it might be that the images were too clinical, too digital, and that could be due to the way I have been processing them.  The above “look” is more pleasing to me as I realize I like the quiet softer look.  I don’t like the harsh colors that scream at me.

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