Red Oxx Gator, my Camera Bag

Over the years I have bought multiple dozens of camera bags, but I no longer have them.  I got rid of all of all my camera bags, and now use two other general purpose bags.  Pictured above is a bag from Red Oxx called the Gator.  I bought it years ago to take to Tunisia as my carry-on bag.  At that time, it held all of my personal carry-on essential supplies including cameras, medicines, change of clothing, etc.

The bag is very sturdy and versatile.  I suggest you check it out on the Red Oxx web site.  For my current photography, I need a bag large enough to carry multiple cameras and lenses that is easy to work out of, and which has no noisy fasteners so that I can work quietly.  I use various Domke inserts to protect the lenses, depending on what I need to carry, and sit the bag on a table or the floor next to me so that I can quickly reach in and change lenses, etc.  I usually carry extra batteries, cleaning cloths, cards, etc. in one of the side pockets.

I wrote earlier about how I use another Red Oxx bag, the Chica, the same way when I don’t need to carry as much.  You can read that post by clicking here.  By getting rid of all of my camera bags I reduced the clutter in my closet and minimized my choices as to “which bag should I use?”